RENI, Guido
(b. 1575, Calvenzano, d. 1642, Bologna)

Moses with the Tables of the Law

c. 1624
Oil on canvas, 173 x 134 cm
Galleria Borghese, Rome

At the beginning of the 17th century the followers of Caravaggio and Carracci vied with each other for predominance. Some sought a classical approach and a serene harmony of forms and colours, others were intent on humbly capturing simple everyday life set in a powerful contrast of light and shadow. But there was no hard and fast dividing line between them and even classical painters like Guido Reni in his Moses is influenced by Caravaggio's heroic dramatic style. This new humble yet monumental language became an international phenomenon.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 5 minutes):
Gioacchino Rossini: Moses, Moses' Prayer