(b. 1484/85, Schwäbisch-Gmünd, 1545, Strassburg)

Mater Dolorosa

c. 1516
Wood, 153 x 46 cm
Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Hans Baldung Grien represents an interesting and individual trend in the history of German painting in the sixteenth century. Although he began his career as a painter in Nuremberg very much under the influence of Dürer, during his activity in Strasbourg and Freiburg he developed his own ideas and revealed in his altar-pieces, historical compositions and portraits, as well as his prolific output of graphic work, an exceedingly rich imagination and a growing predilection for characterization.

Vigorous lines, clear and plastic forms and bold presentation are the characteristic features of his picture in Budapest, the Mater Dolorosa. Originally the panel was on the outer side of an altarwing. Its companion-piece was a Vir Dolorum (Man of Sorrows).