(b. ca. 1465, Milano, d. 1530, Milano)


Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Giangiacomo Trivulzio (1440-1518), a condottiere who held several military commands during the Italian Wars, commissioned from Bramantino a series of twelve huge tapestries depicting the months of the year. The tapestries were woven throughout 1508 and 1509 by masters under the direction of Master Benedetto who worked into the night so that the hangings could be displayed during the traditionally lavish court festivities at Christmas. Bramantino's cycle consists of allegories populated by figures in Roman guise.

A huge roundel with Trivulzio's coat of arms hangs from a heraldic border composed of the arms of the noble houses with which he was allied. Inside this frame, figures stand before reconstructions of Roman porticoes and cityscapes w4earing brilliantly coloured Roman togas and armour. Oversized male orators represent each month, Latin inscriptions at their feet giving words to their gestures of praise and exhortation.