(active around 1210 in Chartres)

Central portal on the south transept

c. 1210
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Chartres (Eure-et-Loire)

Chartres Cathedral was rebuilt after a fire in 1194 destroyed large parts of the old cathedral. A completely new building was erected, one whose transept façades have portals that were given as much importance as those on the west front.

The portal of the south transept is wholly devoted to the theme of the Last Judgment. This is depicted above the central portal, but with additional iconographic material on the side portals. In the tympanum Christ the Judge is flanked by the Virgin and St John, the apostles with their instruments of their martyrdom are in the jambs. In the lintel the Archangel Michael are depicted with the Blessed on the left and the Damned on the right. Christ appears again on the trumeau.