(active 1280-1300 in Strasbourg)

Main portal

Cathedral, Strasbourg

The west façade of the Strasbourg Cathedral was built between 1277 and 1365. The original design is attributed to a legendary figure, Erwin of Steinbach, but the façade underwent various changes throughout the almost 100-year period it took to build it. Much of the sculptural decoration of this façade, clustered mainly around the three main portals, survives, however, it was damaged several times during the Reformation and Revolutionary periods. As a result, some of the sculptures had to be restored in the late 19th century, while still others had to be taken down and replaced by copies (the originals are preserved in the Cathedral Museum.

The photo shows the central portal of the west façade. The jamb statues represent prophets with the Virgin and Child in the middle. The four registers of the tympanum represents stories of the Passion culminating in the Crucifixion of Christ.