MASSYS, Quentin
(b. 1465/66, Leuven, d. 1530, Antwerpen)

Ecce Homo

Oil on wood, 95 x 74 cm
Palazzo Ducale, Venice

Viewing this painting, we have to keep an eye on the detail, especially the detail of the eyes. Christ is lowering his gaze, while Pilate looks away. The old fool's eyes are glazed, and the empty, sarcastic eyes of the man in the turban search the distance. The madman's eyes, set too close, are violent and enraged. A tour de force of physiognomy, ranging from the pathetic to the grotesque, the ridiculous, and the openly repulsive.

The influence of Hieronymus Bosch can be observed in this painting.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.