This list was created by setting the following conditions: School: German Period: Northern Renaissance Page 1 of 3 |
A | ALLIO, Domenico I | (c. 1510-1563) | Northern Renaissance | German architect (Austria) |
ALTDORFER, Albrecht | (c. 1480-1538) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
ALTENSTETTER, David | (c. 1547-1617) | Northern Renaissance | German goldsmith (Augsburg) | |
AMBERGER, Christoph | (c. 1505-1562) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Augsburg) | |
APT, Ulrich the Elder | (c. 1460-1522) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Augsburg) | |
B | BAEGERT, Derick | (c. 1440-c. 1515) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Wesel) |
BALDUNG GRIEN, Hans | (1484/85-1545) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
BEHAM, Barthel | (1502-1540) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
BEHAM, Hans Sebald | (1500-1540) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
BEHEIM, Hans the Elder | (c. 1457-1538) | Northern Renaissance | German architect (Nuremberg) | |
BENTZ, Jörg (see PENCZ, Georg) | (c. 1500-1550) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Nuremberg) | |
BINCK, Jacob | (c. 1500-c. 1569) | Northern Renaissance | German graphic artist | |
BRANT, Sebastian | (1457-1521) | Northern Renaissance | German graphic artist | |
BREU, Jörg the Elder | (1475/76-1537) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Augsburg) | |
BREU, Jörg the Younger | (c. 1510-1547) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Augsburg) | |
BRUYN, Barthel the Elder | (1493-1555) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Cologne) | |
BURGKMAIR, Hans | (1473-1531) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Augsburg) | |
C | CÖLLEN, Henrik | (c. 1500-after 1569) | Northern Renaissance | German architect (Scandinavia) |
CEULEN, Peter Wolfgang van | (active 1520s) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor | |
CRANACH, Hans | (c. 1513-1537) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder | (1472-1553) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Wittenberg) | |
CRANACH, Lucas the Younger | (1515-1586) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
D | DÜRER, Albrecht | (1471-1528) | Northern Renaissance | German painter |
DAUCHER, Adolf | (1460-1523) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor | |
DAUCHER, Hans | (c. 1485-c. 1538) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor | |
DELL, Peter the Elder | (c. 1490-1552) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Würzburg) | |
DREYER, Benedikt | (active 1500-1525) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Lübeck) | |
DURER, Albrecht (see DÜRER, Albrecht) | (1471-1528) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
E | EGCKL, Wilhelm | (c. 1512-1588) | Northern Renaissance | German architect (Bavaria) |
ELSNER, Jakob | (c. 1460-1517) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Nuremberg) | |
ERHART, Gregor | (1460/79-1540) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Augsburg) | |
ERHART, Michael | (active 1469-1522) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Ulm) | |
F | FABER VON CREUZNACH, Conrad | (c. 1500-c. 1553) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Frankfurt) |
FERNACH, Hans von | (active 1387-1403) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Milan) | |
FLÖTNER, Peter | (c. 1485-1546) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Nuremberg) | |
G | GERUNG, Matthias | (c. 1500-c. 1570) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Bavaria) |
GRÜNEWALD, Matthias | (1470/80-1528) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
GRASSER, Erasmus | (c. 1450-c. 1518) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Munich) | |
GROMANN, Nicholas | (active 1537-1574) | Northern Renaissance | German architect (Saxony) | |
GRUEBER, Pancratius | (mentioned in 1520) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Saxony) | |
H | HAGENAUER, Friedrich | (c. 1495-after 1546) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor |
HAGUENAUER, Nikolaus | (recorded 1485-1526) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Strasbourg) | |
HEMMEL VON ANDLAU, Peter | (active 1447-c. 1501) | Northern Renaissance | German glass painter | |
HERLIN, Friedrich | (1430-c. 1500) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Nördlingen) | |
HEYSACKER, Tilman | (doc. 1470-1515) | Northern Renaissance | German sculptor (Cologne) | |
HIRLEIN, Friedrich (see HERLIN, Friedrich) | (1430-c. 1500) | Northern Renaissance | German painter (Nördlingen) | |
HIRSCHVOGEL, Augustin | (1503-1553) | Northern Renaissance | German graphic artist | |
HOLBEIN, Ambrosius | (1495-1519) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
HOLBEIN, Hans the Elder | (1460/65-1524) | Northern Renaissance | German painter | |
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger | (1497-1543) | Northern Renaissance | German painter |
In case you have not found an artist in the created lists, please consider first the possibility that he/she is listed under another name (e.g. Jan van Eyck as Eyck, Jan van, or El Greco as Greco, El). If the artist cannot be found in this collection we recommend you Artcyclopedia, the most comprehensive site on which you can start a new search covering all on-line image collections. |
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