T | TINTORE, Simone del | (1630-1708) | Baroque | Italian painter (Lucca) |
| TINTORETTO | (1518-1594) | Mannerism | Italian painter (Venice) |
| TINTORETTO, Domenico (see ROBUSTI, Domenico) | (1560-1635) | Mannerism | Italian painter (Venice) |
| TINTORETTO, Marietta (see ROBUSTI, Marietta) | (c. 1554-c. 1590) | Mannerism | Italian painter (Venice) |
| TIRALI, Andrea | (1657-1737) | Baroque | Italian architect (Venice) |
| TIROL, Hans | (c. 1505-c. 1575) | Mannerism | German painter (Prague) |
| TIRONI, Francesco | (c. 1745-1797) | Neoclassicism | Italian painter (Venice) |
| TISCHBEIN, Johann Friedrich August | (1750-1812) | Neoclassicism | German painter (Leipzig) |
| TISCHBEIN, Johann Heinrich the Elder | (1722-1789) | Baroque | German painter (Kassel) |
| TISCHBEIN, Johann Heinrich the Younger | (1742-1808) | Rococo | German painter (Kassel) |
| TISCHBEIN, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm | (1751-1829) | Neoclassicism | German painter (Naples) |
| TISI, Benvenuto (see GAROFALO) | (1481-1559) | High Renaissance | Italian painter (Ferrara) |
| TISSOT, James | (1836-1902) | Realism | French painter |
| TITIAN (see TIZIANO Vecellio) | (1490-1576) | High Renaissance | Italian painter (Venice) |
| TITO, Santi di | (1536-1602) | Mannerism | Italian painter (Florence) |
| TITO, Tiberio di | (1578-1637) | Mannerism | Italian painter (Florence) |
| TIVOLI, Serafino de | (1826-1892) | Realism | Italian painter |
| TIZIANO Vecellio | (1490-1576) | High Renaissance | Italian painter (Venice) |
| TOCQUÉ, Louis | (1696-1772) | Baroque | French painter |
| TODESCHINI, Il (see CIPPER, Giacomo Francesco) | (1664-1736) | Baroque | Austrian painter (Milan) |
| TOEPUT, Lodewijk | (c. 1550-c. 1605) | Mannerism | Flemish painter (Italy) |
| TOL, Domenicus van | (c. 1635-1676) | Baroque | Dutch painter (Leiden) |
| TOLEDO, Juan Bautista de | (c. 1515-1567) | Mannerism | Spanish architect |
| TOLSTOY, Fyodor Petrovich | (1783-1873) | Neoclassicism | Russian sculptor (St. Petersburg) |
| TOMÉ, Narciso | (1694-1742) | Baroque | Spanish architect (Toledo) |
| TOMA, Gioacchino | (1836-1891) | Realism | Italian painter (Naples) |
| TOMMASI, Adolfo | (1851-1933) | Impressionism | Italian painter (Florence) |
| TOMMASO DA MODENA | (c. 1325-1379) | Medieval | Italian painter (Modena) |
| TOMMASO DI CREDI | (active 1490-1510) | Early Renaissance | Italian painter (Florence) |
| TOORENVLIET, Jacob | (1640-1719) | Baroque | Dutch painter (Leiden) |
| TOOROP, Jan | (1858-1928) | Impressionism | Dutch painter |
| TOPFFER, Adam-Wolfgang (see TÖPFFER, Adam-Wolfgang) | (1766-1847) | Romanticism | Swiss painter (Geneva) |
| TOPINO, Bartolino (see TALPA, Bartolo) | (active c. 1495) | Early Renaissance | Italian sculptor (Mantua) |
| TORBIDO, Francesco | (c. 1482-c. 1561) | High Renaissance | Italian painter |
| TORELLI, Felice | (1667-1748) | Baroque | Italian painter (Bologna) |
| TORELLI, Matteo di Filippo | (1365-1442) | Early Renaissance | Italian illuminator (Florence) |
| TORELLI, Stefano | (1712-1784) | Baroque | Italian painter |
| TORNYAI, János | (1869-1936) | Realism | Hungarian painter |
| TORREGGIANI, Alfonso | (1682-1764) | Baroque | Italian architect (Bologna) |
| TORRENTIUS, Johannes | (1589-1644) | Baroque | Dutch painter (Amsterdam) |
| TORRES, Clemente de | (c. 1662-1730) | Baroque | Spanish painter |
| TORRETTI, Giuseppe | (1664-1743) | Baroque | Italian sculptor (Venice) |
| TORRETTO (see BERNARDI, Giuseppe) | (1694-1774) | Rococo | Italian sculptor (Venice) |
| TORRETTO, Il (see FERRARI, Giovanni) | (1744-1826) | Neoclassicism | Italian sculptor (Venice) |
| TORRICELLI, Giuseppe Antonio | (1659-1719) | Baroque | Italian sculptor (Florence) |
| TORRIGIANI, Sebastiano | (active 1573-1596) | Mannerism | Italian sculptor |
| TORRIGIANO, Pietro | (1472-1528) | High Renaissance | Italian sculptor |
| TORRITI, Jacopo | (active c. 1270-1300) | Medieval | Italian painter (Rome) |
| TOSCANI, Giovanni di Francesco | (c. 1370-1430) | Early Renaissance | Italian painter (Florence) |
| TOSINI, Michele | (1503-1577) | Mannerism | Italian painter (Florence) |