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Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (1708-1727).

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MASTER of the Castello della Manta
Fountain of Youth (right image)
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
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MASTER of the Castello della Manta
Fountain of Youth (right image, detail)
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
Nine Heroes and Nine Heroines (detail with eight figures)
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
Nine Heroes and Nine Heroines (detail with seven figures)
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
Nine Heroes and Nine Heroines (detail)
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
View of the end (east) wall
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
View of the end (west) wall
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
View of the north wall
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello della Manta
View of the south wall
Sala Baronale, Castello della Manta, Saluzzo
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Madonna Adoring the Infant Christ
Oil on panel. 84 x 58 cm
Private collection
Other works by the artist...

MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Madonna and Child
Oil on wood, 70 x 47 cm
Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Hannover
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Madonna and Child Enthroned
Oil and gold on panel, 88 x 58 cm
Private collection
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Madonna and Child with Two Angels (Madonna of Humility)
Tempera and gold on wood, 126 x 72 cm
Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, Pisa
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Madonna and Sts Justus and Clement
c. 1450
Tempera and gold on panel
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Prato
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Sts Justus and Clement Multiplying the Grain of Volterra
c. 1450
Tempera and gold on panel, 22 x 47 cm
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
Sts Justus and Clement Praying for Deliverance from the Vandals
c. 1450
Tempera and gold on panel, 22 x 47 cm
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Castello Nativity
The Nativity
c. 1450
Tempera and gold on panel, 22 x 66 cm
National Gallery, London
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Bedford Book of Hours
Manuscript (Additional Ms. 18850), 260 x 180 mm
British Library, London
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Bedford Book of Hours
Manuscript (Additional Ms. 18850), 260 x 180 mm
British Library, London
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Bedford Book of Hours
Manuscript (Additional Ms. 18850), 260 x 180 mm (folio size)
British Library, London
Other works by the artist...

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