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Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (1728-1747).

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MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Bedford Book of Hours
Manuscript (Additional Ms. 18850), 260 x 180 mm
British Library, London
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MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Bedford Book of Hours
Manuscript (Additional Ms. 18850)
British Library, London
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Bedford Book of Hours
Manuscript (Additional Ms. 18850)
British Library, London
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Book of Hours
Manuscript (Ms. 2164), 170 x 120 mm
Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Book of Hours
Manuscript (Ms. 2164), 170 x 120 mm
Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Book of Hours
Manuscript (Ms. 2164), 170 x 120 mm
Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Book of Hours
Manuscript (Ms. 2164), 170 x 120 mm
Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Tristan and Isolde
c. 1410
Manuscript (Codex Vindobonensis 2537), 477 x 355 mm (folio size)
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Tristan and Isolde
c. 1410
Manuscript (Codex Vindobonensis 2537), 477 x 355 mm (folio size)
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Duke of Bedford
Tristan and Isolde
c. 1410
Manuscript (Codex Vindobonensis 2537), 477 x 355 mm (folio size)
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Book of Hours
c. 1412
Private collection
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Book of Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Manuscript (Ms. 2), 275 x 190 mm
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Book of Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Manuscript (Ms. 2), 275 x 190 mm
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
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MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Book of Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Manuscript (Ms. 2), 275 x 190 mm
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Book of Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Manuscript (Ms. 2), 275 x 190 mm (folio size)
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Book of Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Manuscript (Ms. 2), 275 x 190 mm
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Grandes Chroniques de France
c. 1415
Manuscript (Cotton Ms. Nero E.11)
British Library, London
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MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Livre des Merveilles du Monde
Manuscript (Ms. français 2810), 420 x 298 mm
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Hours of Maréchal de Boucicaut
Livre des Merveilles du Monde
Manuscript (Ms. français 2810)
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Mascoli Altar
Madonna and Child
c. 1430
Marble, height 130 cm
Mascoli Chapel, Basilica di San Marco, Venice
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