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Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (1748-1767).

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MASTER of the Mascoli Altar
Madonna, Child and Saints
c. 1430
Marble, height 130 cm
Mascoli Chapel, Basilica di San Marco, Venice
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MASTER of the Mascoli Altar
View of the Chapel
c. 1430
Mascoli Chapel, Basilica di San Marco, Venice
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Mascoli Altar
Virgin Enthroned Between Two Angels
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Mascoli Altar
Virgin Enthroned Between Two Angels
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice
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MASTER of the Osservanza
St Anthony at Mass Dedicates His Life to God
c. 1440
Tempera on wood, 47 x 33 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
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MASTER of the Osservanza
St Anthony Distributing his Wealth to the Poor
c. 1440
Tempera and gold on wood, 47 x 35 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Osservanza
St Anthony Goes in Search of St Paul the Hermit
c. 1440
Tempera and gold on wood, 48 x 35 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
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MASTER of the Osservanza
St Anthony Tempted by Gold
c. 1440
Tempera and gold on wood, 48 x 35 cm
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
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MASTER of the Osservanza
St John the Evangelist
Tempera and silver on panel, 21 x 23 cm
Private collection
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MASTER of the Osservanza
The Descent into Limbo
c. 1445
Tempera and gold on wood, 38 x 47 cm
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge
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MASTER of the Osservanza
The Redeemer
c. 1450
Panel, 74 x 61 cm
Collezione Vittorio Cini, Venice
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Osservanza
The Resurrection
c. 1445
Tempera and gold on wood, 37 x 46 cm
Institute of Arts, Detroit
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MASTER of the Pfullendorf Altar
The Birth of Mary
Wood, 102,8 x 71 cm
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart
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MASTER of the Playing Cards
King of Wild Men
c. 1440
Engraving, 133 x 89 mm
Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden
Other works by the artist...
MASTER of the Playing Cards
Queen of Wild Men
c. 1440
Engraving, 135 x 88 mm
Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden
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MASTER of the Polling Panels
Adoration of the Child
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg
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MASTER of the Polling Panels
Prince Tassilo Rides to Hunting
Panel, 219 x 87,5 cm
Alte Pinakothek, Munich
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MASTER of the Straus Madonna
Adoration of the Magi
Tempera and gold on wood, 34 x 27 cm
Art Museum, Seattle
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MASTER of the Straus Madonna
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence
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MASTER of the Straus Madonna
Christ on the Cross
c. 1400
Tempera on wood, 64 x 34 cm
Christian Museum, Esztergom
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