Search Result

Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (2208-2227).

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QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Left reliefs on the portal: 3. Original Sin
Istrian stone, 82 x 68 cm
San Petronio, Bologna
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QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Left reliefs on the portal: 3. Original Sin
Istrian stone, 99 x 92 cm (with frame)
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Left reliefs on the portal: 4. Expulsion from Paradise
Istrian stone, 82 x 68 cm
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Left reliefs on the portal: 4. Expulsion from Paradise
Istrian stone, 99 x 92 cm (with frame)
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Left reliefs on the portal: 5. Work of the Ancestors
Istrian stone, 82 x 68 cm
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Madonna (Silvestri Madonna)
Marble, height 210 cm
Museo del Duomo, Ferrara
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Madonna (Silvestri Madonna)
Marble, height 210 cm
Cathedral, Ferrara
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QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Madonna and Child
Terracotta, 85 x 67 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Madonna of Humility
c. 1400
Marble, height 58 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Other works by the artist...

QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main Portal
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main Portal
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main Portal: Lunette
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main portal: reliefs on the left lateral support
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main portal: reliefs on the left lateral support (detail)
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main portal: reliefs on the left lateral support (detail)
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main portal: reliefs on the right lateral support
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main portal: reliefs on the right lateral support (detail)
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main portal: reliefs on the right lateral support (detail)
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main Portal: St Petronius
Istrian stone
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...
QUERCIA, Jacopo della
Main Portal: Virgin and Child
Istrian stone, height 211 cm
San Petronio, Bologna
Other works by the artist...

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