Search Result

Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (2688-2707).

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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Archangel Gabriel
Polychrome wood
Museo Civico Archeologico e d'Arte Sacra, Asciano
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Archangel Gabriel
c. 1423
Wood, height 160 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Archangel Gabriel of the Annunciation
c. 1430
Cathedral, Montepulciano
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Archangel Gabriel of the Annunciation
c. 1430
Polychrome wood
Chiesa della Madonna di Vitaleta, San Quirico d'Orcia
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Blessing Christ Child
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Polychrome wood
Duomo, Oristano (Sardinia)
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Polychrome wood
Duomo, Oristano (Sardinia)
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Rea Silvia
c. 1419
Marble, height 162 cm
Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
San Crescenzio
Polychromed wood, height 36 cm
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
San Vittore
Polychromed wood, height 36 cm
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
St Anthony the Abbot
Polychrome wood
San Domenico, Siena
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
St Barbara
c. 1410
Painted, gilded poplar wood
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
St Dorothy
Polychromed wood
Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
St John the Baptist
Salini collection, Castello di Gallico, Asciano
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
St Nicholas of Tolentino
Polychrome wood
Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, Lucca
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Virgin and Child
Polychrome wood
Sant'Andrea, Palaia
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Virgin and Child
Polychrome wood
Salini collection, Castello di Gallico, Asciano
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Virgin and Child
Polychrome wood
Museo Diocesano, Volterra
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Virgin and Child
Polychrome wood
Museo Diocesano, Volterra
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VALDAMBRINO, Francesco di
Virgin and Child
c. 1420
Polychrome wood
Pieve di San Pietro, Radicofani (Siena)
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