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Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (2728-2747).

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WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Braque Family Triptych (detail)
c. 1450
Oil on oak panel
Musée du Louvre, Paris
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WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Braque Family Triptych (left wing)
c. 1450
Wood, 41 x 34 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Braque Family Triptych (right wing)
c. 1450
Oil on oak panel, 41 x 34 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Christus on the Cross with Mary and St John
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel, 325 x 192 cm
Monasterio de San Lorenzo, El Escorial
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Chroniques de Hainaut
Manuscript (Ms. 9242-44, 3 volumes), 440 x 312 mm
Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Brussels
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Chroniques de Hainaut
c. 1448
Manuscript (Ms. 9242-44, 3 volumes), 440 x 312 mm
Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Brussels
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Oil on oak panel, 77 x 47 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Diptych
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel, 180 x 186 cm
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Diptych (detail of the left panel)
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...

WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Diptych (detail of the right panel)
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...

WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Diptych (detail of the right panel)
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...

WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Diptych (left panel)
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel, 180 x 93 cm
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Diptych (right panel)
c. 1460
Oil on oak panel, 180 x 93 cm
Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Other works by the artist...

WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Triptych
c. 1445
Oil on oak panel, 101 x 70 cm (central panel), 101 x 35 cm (each wing)
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Triptych (central panel)
c. 1445
Oil on oak panel, 101 x 70 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Triptych (detail)
c. 1445
Oil on oak panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Triptych (left wing)
c. 1445
Oil on oak panel, 101 x 35
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Crucifixion Triptych (right wing)
c. 1445
Oil on oak panel, 101 x 35
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
c. 1435
Oil on oak panel, 220 x 262 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Other works by the artist...
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
c. 1435
Oil on oak panel, 220 x 262 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Other works by the artist...

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