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Time-line: 1401-1450

2919 pictures found, 20 shown (981-1000).

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EYCK, Jan van
The Ghent Altarpiece: The Offering of Abel and Cain
Oil on wood, width 37 cm
Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
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EYCK, Jan van
The Ghent Altarpiece: The Soldiers of Christ
Oil on wood, 149,2x 54 cm
Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Ghent Altarpiece: The Soldiers of Christ (detail)
Oil on wood, height of detail: 39,5 cm
Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
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EYCK, Jan van
The Ghent Altarpiece: Virgin Mary
Oil on wood, 168,7 x 74,9 cm
Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
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EYCK, Jan van
The Ghent Altarpiece: Virgin Mary (detail)
Oil on wood
Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele
Oil on wood, 122 x 157 cm
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
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EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele
Oil on wood, 122 x 157 cm
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
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EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (detail)
Oil on wood, width of detail: 47 cm
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (detail)
Oil on wood
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (detail)
Oil on wood, width of detail: 47 cm
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (detail)
Oil on wood, width of detail: 47 cm
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (detail)
Oil on wood
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
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EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (detail)
Oil on wood
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
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EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (details)
Oil on wood, width of details: 7,5 cm (each)
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (details)
Oil on wood, width of details: 7,5 cm (each)
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Madonna with Canon van der Paele (details)
Oil on wood
Groeninge Museum, Bruges
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EYCK, Jan van
The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin
Wood, 66 x 62 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
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EYCK, Jan van
The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin (detail)
Oil on wood
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin (detail)
Oil on wood
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Other works by the artist...
EYCK, Jan van
The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin (detail)
Oil on wood
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Other works by the artist...

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