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Author: Tiziano Vecelli

275 pictures found, 20 shown (41-60).

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TIZIANO Vecellio
Diana and Actaeon
Oil on canvas, 185 x 202 cm
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Diana and Actaeon (detail)
Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Diana and Callisto
Oil on canvas, 187 x 205 cm
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Diana and Callisto
Oil on canvas, 183 x 200 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Diana and Callisto (detail)
Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Diana and Callisto (detail)
Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Doge Andrea Gritti
Oil on canvas, 84 x 66 cm
Private collection
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling Before the Faith
Oil on canvas, 365 x 500 cm
Palazzo Ducale, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling Before the Faith (detail)
Oil on canvas
Palazzo Ducale, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling Before the Faith (detail)
Oil on canvas
Palazzo Ducale, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling Before the Faith (detail)
Oil on canvas
Palazzo Ducale, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Drowning of the Pharaoh's Host in the Red Sea
Woodcut in twelve blocks, 12,5 x 221,5 cm
Museo Correr, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Ecce Homo
Oil on canvas, 242 x 361 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Ecce Homo
Oil on slate, 68 x 53 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Eleonora Gonzaga
c. 1538
Oil on canvas, 114 x 102 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Emperor Charles V at Mühlberg
Oil on canvas, 332 x 279 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Oil on canvas, 137 x 175 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Entombment of Christ
Oil on canvas, 148 x 205 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Federico Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua
Oil on panel, 125 x 94 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Oil on canvas, 80 x 64 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
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