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Author: Tiziano Vecelli

275 pictures found, 20 shown (61-80).

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TIZIANO Vecellio
Girl with a Fan
c. 1556
Oil on canvas, 102 x 86 cm
Gemäldegalerie, Dresden
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Giulia Varano, Duchess of Urbino
Oil on wood, 114 x 88 cm
Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Head of a Man
c. 1509
Oil on canvas, 47 x 41 cm
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Holy Family and Donor
Oil on canvas
Alte Pinakothek, Munich
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Horse and Rider
c. 1537
Black chalk on blue paper, 274 x 262 mm
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Interior of the Apse
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Isabella d'Este, Duchess of Mantua
Oil on canvas, 102 x 64 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
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TIZIANO Vecellio
c. 1509
Detached fresco, 212 x 346 cm
Galleria Franchetti, Ca' d'Oro, Venice
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TIZIANO Vecellio
c. 1515
Oil on canvas, 90 x 72 cm
Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Rome
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Jupiter and Antiope (Pardo Venus)
1535-40, reworked c. 1560
Oil on canvas, 196 x 385 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
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TIZIANO Vecellio
La Bella
Oil on canvas, 89 x 76 cm
Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child
Oil on canvas, 75 x 63 cm
National Gallery, London
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child in an Evening Landscape
Oil on canvas, 174 x 133 cm
Alte Pinakothek, Munich
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child with Saints
Oil on canvas, 101 x 142 cm
National Gallery, London
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child with Saints (detail)
Oil on canvas
National Gallery, London
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child with St Catherine and a Rabbit
Oil on canvas, 74 x 84 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child with Sts Anthony of Padua and Roch
c. 1511
Oil on canvas, 92 x 133 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child with Sts Catherine and Dominic and a Donor
Oil on canvas, 138 x 185 cm
Fondazione Magnani Rocca, Mamiano di Traversetolo
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna and Child with Sts Dorothy and George
Oil on panel, 86 x 130 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
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TIZIANO Vecellio
Madonna in Glory with the Christ Child and Sts Francis and Alvise with the Donor
Oil on canvas, 312 x 215 cm
Museo Civico, Ancona
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