Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Amiens

Amiens is the principal city and ancient capital of Picardy, northern France, in the Somme River valley, north of Paris. Famed since the European Middle Ages are its textile industry and its great Gothic Cathedral of Notre-Dame, one of the finest in France.

The cathedral was begun in 1220 on the plans of Robert de Luzarches and was finished about 50 years later (there were subsequent additions). Its galleried and rose-windowed façade, pierced by three portals and topped by twin towers, is splendid. It has a remarkable interior with a soaring nave and bold supporting columns, employing the logic of Romanesque while imposing the open and dramatic qualities of Gothic.

You can find more information on the Cathedral on this website (external link).

Recommended viewing from the collection:


The Web Gallery of Art contains 16 images of Amiens Cathedral and its artworks. From these images

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This page was last updated on 23 February 2022.