Carrara family

Landowners of military character whose domination of Padua developed during the war against della Scala Verona (Giacomo elected dominus generalis 1318; Marsilio signore 1328) but reached its peak after the city regained its independence (1337) with Francesco il Vecchio (1350-88, b.1325), who curtailed civic liberties (1362) and exploited Paduan resources mainly for expansionist wars against Venice (1372-73, 1378-81). His illusions of princely greatness found expression on coins and frescoes (1367-79) commemorating famous men, following suggestions by Petrarch, who bequeathed to him most of his books. He was exiled when Giangaleazzo Visconti occupied Padua (1388-90) and his son Francesco Novello (1390-1405) was deposed and murdered after the Venetian annexation.

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