CANO, Alonso
(b. 1601, Granada, d. 1667, Granada)

Exterior view

begun 1667
Cathedral, Granada

Alonso Cano was the only major all-round artist Spain produced. His most significant works were undoubtedly the paintings he made as court artist to Philip IV and drawing master to Prince Baltasar Carlos. However, the plan for the façade of Granada cathedral, which he submitted in 1644, showed at least as much inventive genius.

Although Cano had to respect the nave structure erected by Siloé, he produced a most individual design which went far beyond the other contemporary solutions to this type of problem. He selected a framework structure resembling a triumphal arch, behind which he deeply recessed the portals and wall surfaces. This structure provided a thoroughly innovative rhythm and dynamism to the façade, dominated by a round arch at the top of the central section.

Cano's design, which was realized between 1667 and 1684, was imitated throughout Andalusia.

The picture shows the façade of the cathedral.