DÜRER, Albrecht
(b. 1471, Nürnberg, d. 1528, Nürnberg)

Portrait of a Man

c. 1504
Oil on panel, 43 x 29 cm
Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Dürer's paintings include altarpieces, religious pictures and some outstanding portraits. Although he began by working in the German late Gothic tradition, Dürer was to introduce the Renaissance to Germany with his pure compositions in which the sure touch of the draughtsman is always evident. With his workshop and followers he marked out the lines of development of the new style for later years.

This small picture - a portrait of a youth, painted in brilliant, warm colours - is sometimes ascribed to Dürer's pupils (Hans Süss von Kulmbach or Hans Baldung Grien). Some scholars believe to recognize in the sitter Dürer's brother Andreas; however the smooth features and simple attire hardly provide enough clues for identifying the sitter. However, a silverpoint drawing by Dürer in the Albertina Collection in Vienna shows the same model in a similar pose, clearly indicated in the inscription as Endres Dürer, the painter's younger brother.