GADDI, Agnolo
(active 1369-96 in Florence)

Emperor Heraclius Beheads Chosroës and Enters Jerusalem with the True Cross

Chancel Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence

The Gothic apse of the Santa Croce was decorated by frescoes in the 1380s. On the two side walls the story of the Saint Cross is depicted, the Triumph of the Cross being the final and most significant scene of the cycle. There are three scenes depicted beside and above each other. On the left side the beheading of Chosroes, King of Persia, for the occupation of Jerusalem and robbing the Cross; behind and above Heraclios arriving to Jerusalem with the regained Cross; on the right side Heraclios bringing the Cross barefooted into Jerusalem.

There is no difference in the size of the figures, thus no spatial perspective.The majority of the figures are illustrated in profile. Traditionally it is believed that the man standing beside the executioner is the painter himself.