LIPPI, Filippino
(b. ca. 1457, Prato, d. 1504, Firenze)

St Paul Visits St Peter in Prison

Fresco, 230 x 88 cm
Cappella Brancacci, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence

The Golden Legend tells the story of Theophilus, Prefect of Antioch, who put Peter in prison; and there the Apostle would certainly have languished for the rest of his days, had not St Paul, who frequently visited him in his cell, gone to Theophilus and told him that Peter had the power to resurrect the dead. Theophilus was very interested and told Paul that he would have Peter released immediately if he were able to resurrect his son, who had died fourteen years previously.

For a long time the fresco was attributed to Masaccio. Actually, it is the most Masaccesque of Filippino's painting, so much so that it has been suggested that he may have been working from a sinopia prepared by Masaccio.