(b. 1423, Castagno, d. 1457, Firenze)

Famous Persons: Pippo Spano

c. 1450
Fresco transferred to wood, 250 x 154 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

The picture shows one of the three Florentine military commanders represented in the cycle.

One of the most successful portrayals is the figure of Pippo Spano, a famous Florentine conottiero (who died in Hungary in 1426), seen as the ideal hero. The masterful draughtsmanship and the perceptive description of the character, shown in a natural pose, confirm the opinion Vasari expressed of Andrea's work: "He was extremely talented at portraying figures in solemn poses and in making them awesome, both men and women, with fierce expressions created thanks to his excellent draughtsmanship."

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.