(b. 1486, Firenze, d. 1530, Firenze)

The Last Supper

Fresco, 525 x 871 cm
Convent of San Salvi, Florence

Leonardo's Last Supper was copied and adapted in several refectories, particularly in Lombardy. Andrea del Sarto's fresco in the former refectory of the Vallombrosan monastery of San Salvi in Florence also testifies to knowledge of Leonardo's fresco. The impact and movement of Leonardo's figural composition have been moderated. Andrea's narrative is more human and touching; it reduces the heroic drama of gestures and figures. It shows a nearly enclosed hall, in whose articulations the row of apostles is embedded. The community at table with Christ is given a formal pendant in the form of a window loggia. A charming, anecdotal subsidiary motif results: two servants are conversing in the central opening. Above the entire scene is an arch with medallions displaying the Trinity and the saints of the order.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.