This cutting contains a depiction of the Virgin and Child in an initial H. It begins the first responsory of the first nocturn for the feast of the birth of the Virgin (September 8).
The style of the cutting link it to Bartolomeo di Fruosino's work among the antiphonaries and graduals painted for Santa Maria Nuova, Florence. Only one page from these books is known to be missing: folio 148 from Cod. B.
The green initial H, decorated with pearls and white filigree ornament as well as orange, purple, blue, and rose foliation, is contained within a gilt block outlined in black. Inside the letter the Virgin Mary is shown in half-length turned in three-quarters profile to the right. She wears a blue cloak lined with gold over a light red robe, and her halo overlaps the red and gold lining of the initial at the top. She holds the Christ Child, dressed in a red tunic, before her and lowers her head to press her cheek against his as he reaches around her neck with his right hand.