GADDI, Agnolo
(active 1369-96 in Florence)

Emperor Heraclius Beheads Chosroës and Enters Jerusalem with the True Cross

Chancel Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence

In the fourth image field from the top of the north wall, in the last image of the fresco cycle, three scenes are joined. It begins at the lower left with the beheading of Chosroës by Heraclius, who is then seen heading in triumph to Jerusalem with the Cross. Upon his arrival, however, the city gate closes itself up before him, and an angel indicates that the Emperor must enter the city not on horseback but rather - in remembrance of Christ - in a humble manner, whereupon Heraclius carries the Cross into the city on foot wearing only his shirt.

There is no difference in the size of the figures, thus no spatial perspective.The majority of the figures are illustrated in profile. Traditionally it is believed that the man standing beside the executioner is the painter himself.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.