MEIT, Conrad
(b. ca. 1480, Worms, d. 1550, Antwerpen)

Virgin and Child

Marble, height 62 cm
Cathédrale des Saints-Michel-et-Gudule, Brussels

Owing in part to their appointments at two humanist courts - those of Philip of Burgundy and Margaret of Austria -Jan Gossart and Conrad Meit shared a common interest in mythological themes. They were also intrigued by the textures of fabrics, the heightened three-dimensionality of features such as braided or thick, curled locks of hair or draperies, and the smooth, porcelain-like finish to flesh, especially that of the face. The comparison of Gossart's Virgin and Child in the Prado with Meit's Virgin and Child in Brussels demonstrate their affinity in this respect.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.