RAVESTEYN, Dirck de Quade van
(active c. 1576-1612)

Cupid Stung by Bees

Red and black chalk, 198 x 150 mm
Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

This chalk drawing with a moral lesson tells the story of Cupid, the god of love, who ran to his mother Venus, vainly trying to escape a swarm of bees whose honeycomb he had stolen. According to the fable told by the Greek poet Theocritus, in his Idylls, Venus laughs and says: "Are you not just like the bee - so little yet able to inflict such painful wounds?"

Ravesteyn borrowed the figure of Cupid along with the beehive behind him from a drawing by Dürer depicting the same theme.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.