(b. 1409, Settignano, d. 1464, Firenze)

Tomb of Neri di Gino Capponi

Santo Spirito, Florence

Bernardo Rossellino's Florentine workshop continued to receive commissions in the 1450s. He was probably directly involved in the execution of the tombs of Orlando de' Medici (d. 1455) in Santissima Annunziata, Florence, and of Neri Capponi (d. 1457) in Santo Spirito, Florence. They are extremely innovative reinterpretations of Classical models and display the powerful, severe architectural style of Bernardo's late period. In both, Christian iconography is obliquely articulated in the form of the tomb. The arcosolium format of the tomb of Orlando de' Medici recalls the configuration of Christian tombs in the Roman catacombs, while the profile relief on the tomb of Neri Capponi evokes associations with Roman sarcophagi.

Neri di Gino Capponi (1388-1457) was a Florentine politician and historian. He acted as a moderator in the struggles between the Albizzi and the Medici.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.