(b. ca. 1450, Cortona, d. 1523, Cortona)

Life of St Benedict, Scene 28: Benedict Recognizes and Receives Totila

Abbazia, Monteoliveto Maggiore

Scene 28 of the cycle on the life of St Benedict depicts Benedict recognizing and receiving Totila.

The two scenes dealing with the Gothic king Totila, painted by Signorelli, are crowded with figures and full of action, and in a sense fall out of the established framework of the cycle, for here the fathers are confronted with a powerful figure from the outside world. Benedict is not fooled by Totila's ruse of sending his servant dressed in his own armour (Scene 27). Despite the king's arrogance and trickery, Benedict subsequently receives him, confronts him with his numerous misdeeds, and prophesies his end (Scene 28).

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.