(active 1317, Siena, d. 1339/49, Siena)

The Entombment

Egg tempera on wood, 41 x 58 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin

This painting is one of the seven panels which formed the predella of the now dismembered altarpiece painted by Ugolino di Nerio for the Franciscan church of Santa Croce, Florence. The predella panels were from the left to the right, according to a nineteenth-century drawing attributed to Humbert de Superville, the following:

The Last Supper (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York),

The Betrayal of Christ (National Gallery, London),

The Flagellation (Staatliche Museen, Berlin),

The Way to Calvary (National Gallery, London),

The Deposition (National Gallery, London),

The Entombment (Staatliche Museen, Berlin),

The Resurrection (National Gallery, London).

In the predella scenes, the iconography is based very closely on the equivalent scene in Duccio's Maestà for Siena Cathedral.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.