The work on this monumental parchment manuscript in 8 volumes began in 1425-30, possibly in Regensburg. It received its name after a later owner, Count Palatine Ottheinrich (1502-1559), under whose supervision it was completed in c. 1530. The manuscript contains the New Testament in German. The 46 large miniatures are concentrated on the first few folios, the initials and foliage being left to inferior workers.
The manuscript is divided into two parts, volumes 1, 2 and 7 are in Munich, while volumes 3-6 and 8 are kept in the Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg (Hs. 28).
On folio 40v the Last Supper is depicted. The illuminator selects a bird's-eye view to present a clear picture of the scene. The roughly drawn figures of the Apostles are gathered around a circular dining table, unusual in pictures of the Last Supper. Another unusual feature is that Judas Iscariot is not isolated.