(active between 1878 and 1910 in Pécs)

Grand vase

Earthenware with iridescent metallic-lustre 'eosin' glaze, height 28 cm, diameter 39 cm
Institute of Arts, Minneapolis

In central Europe - Austria-Hungary and what are now the Czech and Slovak states - Art Nouveau ceramic production was generally far more commercial than elsewhere. With the marked exception of some Viennese workshops, the design was geared more to popular taste.

In Pécs, Hungary, Vilmos Zsolnay and his son Miklós created a range of brightly-coloured lusterware at the family firm of Zsolnay founded in 1862. Around 1899, a factory chemist, Vince Wartha, developed the Eosin glaze for which the firm became world-famous. Though the designer remains unknown, this grand vase is one of the finest examples in the entire Zsolnay production. Earthenware with the celebrated iridescent metallic-lustre glaze, this piece was extremely important to the firm, having been featured in the Hungarian display at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle (the same year the company swelled to 1000 employees). The wilted tulip blossoms conveyed the sentiments of Symbolism, a parallel art movement in which ideas and emotional experiences could be suggested by equivalents in colour and design.

© Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx.