To make your visit of the Gallery more effective - and at the same time to demonstrate the possibilities provided by a collection of this type - we recommend you the following tours.
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Description: This tour helps you to browse the paintings of Italian painters which represent a large part of this collection. The tour consists of a filtered rearrangement of the artist list according to local schools (with short descriptions) and time-line. Sources: CHASTEL, André, Les Arts de l'Italie, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1963; The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Encyclopaedia Britannica International, London, 1983; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; GALLWITZ, Karl Ludwig, The Handbook of Italian Renaissance Painters, Prestel Verlag, Munich-London-New York, 1999. |
Description: This tour offers you a list of the sculptors arranged in approximate chronological order appended by short explanations of the stylistic periods within the indicated time range. Sources: ENTZ, Géza, Gothic Art, Corvina Budapest, 1972 (in Hungarian); MARTINDALE, Andrew, Gothic Art, Thames and Hudson, London, 1967; VAYER, Lajos, The Art of the Italian Renaissance, Corvina, Budapest, 1982 (in Hungarian); OLSON, Roberta J. M., Italian Renaisssance Sculpture, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992; CHASTEL, André, Les Arts de l'Italie, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1963; KELÉNYI, György, The Art of the Baroque, Corvina, Budapest, 1985 (in Hungarian); The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Encyclopaedia Britannica International, London, 1983. |
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Description: This tour gives an overview of the art of Giotto, one of the most significant figure in the history of Renaissance painting. The frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua, in the Upper Church and Lower Church of San Francesco at Assisi as well as those in the Santa Croce in Florence are presented in full details by many additional pages. Some of the most important panel paintings are also commented. Sources: VIGORELLI, Giancarlo, L'Opera Completa di Giotto, Rizzoli Editore, Milano 1977; BELLOSI, Luciano, Giotto, complete works, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1993; PROKOPP, Mária, Giotto's Frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua, Képzőművészeti Kiadó, Budapest, 1988 (in Hungarian); BERENSON, Bernard, Italian Painters of the Renaissance, Meridian Books, Cleveland and New York, 1957. |
Description: Piero della Francesca's cycle in the church of San Francesco in Arezzo, narrating the Legend of the True Cross (the miraculous story of the wood of Christ's Cross), contains the most modern and - in terms of perspective - the most advanced frescoes of the Italian 15th century. It was painted in the 1450s, and beautifully restored in 1985-2000. In this tour the complete cycle is presented and explained. Sources: CLARK, Kenneth, Piero della Francesca, London, Oxford, New York, 1951; VECCHI, Pierluigi de, L'Opera completa di Piero della Francesca, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1967; TÁTRAI, Vilmos, Piero della Francesca, Corvina, Budapest, 1980 (in Hungarian); ANGELINI, Alessandro, Piero della Francesca, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1985; MAETZKE, Anna Maria and BERTELLI, Carlo, Editors, Piero della Francesca - The Legend of the True Cross in the Church of San Francesco in Arezzo, Skira Editore, Milan, 2001. |
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Description: This tour guides you through the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, presenting the ceiling frescoes painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, the Last Judgment, the largest single fresco created in the 16th century, also by Michelangelo between 1535 and 1541, and the frescoes on the side walls painted by different, mainly Florentine artists in the 15th century. Sources: CAMESASCA, Ettore, L'Opera completa di Michelangelo pittore, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1966; VECCHI, Pierluigi de, COLALUCCI, Gianluigi, Michelangelo -The Vatican Frescoes, Abbeville Press Publishers, New York, London, 1996; BARTZ, Gabriele, KÖNIG, Eberhard, Michelangelo, Könemann, Cologne, 1998; SCHOTT, Rolf, Michelangelo, Thames and Hudson Limited, London, 1964; HEUSINGER, Lutz, Michelangelo, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1989. |
Description: This tour allows you to visit the Brancacci Chapel of the Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence. With the help of many additional pages all frescoes of the chapel, made by Masolino and Masaccio between 1424 and 1428 then later completed by Filippino Lippi in 1481-82, are presented and commented in detail. Sources: BERENSON, Bernard, Italian Painters of the Renaissance, Meridian Books, Cleveland and New York, 1957; PROCACCI, U., Masaccio e la Cappella Brancacci, Firenze, 1965; BERTI, L., L'Opera completa di Masaccio, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1968; CASAZZA, Ornella, Masaccio and the Brancacci Chapel, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1990. |
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Description: This tour presents three narrative fresco cycles executed by Benozzo Gozzoli in Montefalco (Scenes from the Life of St Francis, 1450-52), in Florence (Procession of the Magi, 1459-60) and in San Gimignano (Scenes from the Life of St Augustine, 1464-65). Detailed biography of the artist is given and the subjects of the cycles are discussed. Sources: HALL, James Hall's Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art, John Murray Publishers Ltd., London, 1974; CHILVERS, Ian, Ed. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 1996; ACIDINI LUCHINAT, Cristina, Benozzo Gozzoli, Scala/Riverside, Firenze, New York, 1994; OPITZ, Marion, Benozzo Gozzoli, Könemann, Cologne, 1998. |
Description: This tour gives an overview of painting in the Low Countries (Flanders and Holland) between 1400 and 1800. A short description of painting, as well as a summary of history in the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are presented. A chronological list of Netherlandish (Flemish and Dutch) painters of this period guides you to their artworks in this collection. Sources: MURRAY, Peter and Linda, The Art of the Renaissance, Thames and Hudson, London, 1963; MURRAY, Linda, The High Renaissance and Mannerism, Thames and Hudson, London, 1967; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; PRATER, Andreas and BAUER, Hermann, Painting of the Baroque, Taschen Verlag, Köln, 1997; VÉGH, János, Painting of the Low Countries in the 15th century, Corvina, Budapest, 1977 (in Hungarian); FUCHS, R. H., Dutch Painting, Thames and Hudson, London, 1978. |
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Description: This tour describes the development of painting and sculpture in Siena during the 13th-16th centuries. An illustrated description of Siena and the short history of the town is also given. The art of the greatest masters (Duccio, Simone Martini, the Lorenzetti) can be studied in-depth by taking one of the detailed sub-tours. Special attention is paid to the subject of Maestŕ, popular in Sienese art. Sources: HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; BERENSON, Bernard, Italian Painters of the Renaissance, Meridian Books, Cleveland and New York, 1957; JANNELLA, Cecilia, Duccio di Buoninsegna, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1991; CATTANEO, Giulio, L'Opera completa di Duccio, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1972; CONTINI, Gianfranco, L'Opera completa di Simone Martini, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1970; JANNELLA, Cecilia, Simone Martini, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1989; PROKOPP, Mária, Lorenzetti, Corvina Kiadó, Budapest (in Hungarian); PROKOPP, Mária, Sassetta, Holnap Kiadó, Budapest, 1997 (in Hungarian). |
Description: This tour introduces you the painting and sculpture in Spain in the period of 1200-1700. The art and life of El Greco and Velázquez - the greatest masters of the 16th and 17th centuries - are presented in detail. Background information on Spanish history - including articles on all kings of the period - is also given. Sources: SZÉKELY, András, Spanish Painting, Corvina, Budapest, 1972 (in Hungarian); WEHLI, Tünde, Painting in Medieval Spain, Corvina, Budapest, 1980 (in Hungarian); HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; GUDIOL, José, The Arts of Spain, Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York, 1964; GOLDSCHEIDER, Ludwig, El Greco - Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures, The Phaidon Press, London, 1938; TROUTMAN, Philip, El Greco, Spring Books, London, 1963; CINOTTI, Mia, Prado, Madrid, Rizzoli, Milan, 1976 (in Italian). |
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Description: International Gothic was a homogenous style characterizing European art around the turn of the fourteenth-fifteenth centuries. It is usually called International Gothic or the International Style, but the terms courtly style, soft style, beautiful style, lyrical style, cosmopolitan Gothic style, trecento rococo and court naturalism are also to be met with in works on art history. The tour provides an overview of painting of the period. Sources: EÖRSI, Anna, International Gothic Style in Painting, Corvina, Budapest, 1982. |
Description: This tour presents some of the most important winged altarpieces of early Flemish painting from Melchior Broederlam (end of the 14th century) to Hans Memling (end of the 15th century). You can see the whole altarpieces, the wings individually, and some details, when available. Sources: FAGGIN, Giorgio T., L'Opera completa dei Van Eyck, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1968; WUNDRAM, Manfred, Paintings of the Renaissance, Taschen, Köln, 1997; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; BELTING, Hans, KRUSE, Christiane, Die Erfindung des Gemäldes - Das erste Jahrhundert der niederländischen Malerei, Hirmer Verlag München, 1994; FRERE, Jean-Claude, Early Flemish Painting, Terrail, Paris, 1997; VÉGH, János, Painting of the Low Countries in the 15th century, Corvina, Budapest, 1977 (in Hungarian); COURTHION, Pierre, Flemish Painting, Thames and Hudson, London, 1958; MURRAY, Peter and Linda, The Art of the Renaissance, Thames and Hudson, London, 1963. |
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Description: This tour presents over fifty large altarpieces executed for churches in Venice during the 15th and 16th centuries. The majority of these altarpieces are in their original place, others from demolished or suppressed churches were taken to museums. The range of the artists who created the altarpieces extends from Late Gothic masters such as Antonio Vivarini to Tintoretto, the last grand figure of the Venetian Renaissance. Taking into account the large (in some cases monumental) dimensions of the altarpieces, they are presented here by larger reproductions than the standard in our collection. Sources: MIAN, Martina, BALDIN, Luca, Churches of Venice, Marsilio Editori S.p.A., Venezia, 2002; ZUFFI, Stefano, Capitals of Art: Venice, Leonardo Arte s.r.l., Milan, 1999; GHIOTTO, Renato, L'Opera Completa di Giovanni Bellini, Rizzoli Editore, Milano 1969; NEPI SCIRÉ, Giovanna, Editor, The Accademia Galleries in Venice, Mondadori Electa S.p.A., Milan 1998; GENTILI, Augusto, ROMANELLI, Giandomenico, RYLANDS, Philip, NEPI SCIRÉ, Giovanna, Paintings in Venice, Bulfinch Press, Boston, New York, London, 2002; PEDROCCO, Filippo, Titian, Scala/Riverside, New York, 1993; PEDROCCO, Filippo, Veronese, Scala, Antella (Florence), 1998; KRISCHEL, Roland, Jacopo Tintoretto, Könemann Verlagsgeselschaft mbH, Köln, 2000. |
Description: Based on the content of the WGA collection, this tour introduces the visitor to six religious buildings (churches, chapels within a church or stand-alone), which have outstanding Renaissance sculpted decoration created following a uniform design. Sources: SEYMOUR, Charles Jr. (author), PEVSNER, Nikolaus (editor), Sculpture in Italy: 1400 to 1500 (Pelican History of Art), Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1966; BLOCH, Amy R. (editor), ZOLLI, Daniel M. (editor), The Art of Sculpture in Fifteenth-Century Italy, Cambridge University Press, 2020; HOLLINGSWORTH, Mary, Patronage in Renaissance Italy: From 1400 to the early sixteenth century, John Murray, publisher, 1994; OLSON, Roberta J. M., Italian Renaissance Sculpture (Series World of Art), Thames and Hudson Ltd, London 1992; KRUFT, Hanno-Walter, ROTH, Anthony, The Della Porta Workshop in Genoa, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, Serie III, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1973; Encyclopćdia Britannica (online edition); Wikipedia (relevant articles). |
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Description: This guided tour will present to the participants the realistic tendencies of 16th-century painting - from Leonardo's naturalism to Caravaggio's realism - in the major art centres in Lombardy: Milan and its broader environment, Brescia, Bergamo, and Cremona. Sources: FREEDBERG, S. J. (editor), Painting in Italy: 1500 to 1600 (Pelican History of Art), Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1993; BAYER, Andrea (editor), Painters of Reality, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2004; LAUREATI, Laura, Painting Nature , in The Genius of Rome edited by Beverly Louise BROWN, Royal Academy of Art, London 2001; BROWN, David Allan, HUMFREY, Peter, LUCCO, Mauro, Lorenzo Lotto - Rediscovered Master of the Renaissance, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1998; Encyclopćdia Britannica (online edition); Wikipedia (relevant articles). |
Description: This tour presents French painting and sculpture from the 15th to the 18th century, i.e. the Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, and Rococo periods. Among many others, the works of such great masters are displayed as the painters Fouquet, Clouet, Poussin, Claude Lorrain, Georges de La Tour, Watteau, as well as the sculptors Goujon, Pilon, Puget, Houdon. Sources: LAJTA, Edit, Early French Painting, Corvina, Budapest, 1973; WRIGHT, Christopher, The French Painters of the Seventeenth Century, Orbis Publishing Limited, London, 1985; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; BAZIN, Germain, Baroque and Rococo, Thames and Hudson, London, 1964; LEVEY, Michael, Rococo to Revolution and Rococo, Thames and Hudson, London, 1966. |
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Description: This tour presents English painting and sculpture from the 15th to the 18th century, i.e. the Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, and Rococo periods. After a long period of dominance by a series of foreign-born artists, English art produced in the 18th century some great artists like Hogarth, Reynolds and Gainsborough. Sources: HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; BAZIN, Germain, Baroque and Rococo, Thames and Hudson, London, 1964; LEVEY, Michael, Rococo to Revolution and Rococo, Thames and Hudson, London, 1966. |
Description: An overview of art in the Germanic countries in the golden age of German painting between 1450 and 1550 is offered by this tour. Works of the great masters in painting, sculpture and graphic arts are presented in detail. Readings in related subjects are suggested. Sources: PRINZ, Wolfram, Dürer, Master Artists Library, Smithmark Publishers, New York, 1998; EICHLER, Anja-Franzisca, Albrecht Dürer, Könemann Verlagsgesellshaft mbH, Cologne, 1999; OTTINO DELLA CHIESA, Angela, L'opera completa di Dürer, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1981; BAILEY, Martin, Dürer, Phaidon Press Ltd., London, 1995; KURTH, Willi, The Complete woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1963; STRAUSS, Walter L., The Complete engravings, Etchings and Srypoints of Albrecht Dürer, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1972; FRAENGER, Wilhelm, Matthias Grünewald, VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden, 1983; WÖLFFLIN, Heinrich, Drawings of Albrecht Dürer, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1970; SALVINI, Roberto, L'opera pittorica completa di Holbein il Giovane, Rizzoli Editore, Milano, 1971; LANGDON, Helen, Holbein, Phaidon Press Ltd., London, 1976; BUCK, Stephanie, Hans Holbein, Könemann Verlagsgesellshaft mbH, Cologne, 1999; Encyclopaedia Britannica, London, 1997; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964. |
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Description: This tour offers an overview of the Art Nouveau, the style that flourished across Europe from the 1880s until the eve of World War One. It was a universal style intended to unify the fine and applied arts to create a Gesamtkunstwerk ("total work of art"). The tour describes the style in European countries and the United States, presents characteristic examples of works of architecture, fine arts, and various genres of decorative arts, and provides a comprehensive list of all significant artists and craftsmen working in the Art Nouveau style. Sources: FAHR-BECKER, Gabriele, Art Nouveau, Tandern Verlag GmbH h.f. Ullman, 2007; LAVALLÉE, Michelle Art Nouveau, in Grove Dictionary of Art,; HASEKAMP, Uta, Art Nouveau, Könemann Verlagsgesellshaft mbH, Cologne, 2018; Art Nouveau Visual Encyclopedia of Art, Vince Kiadó, Budapest, 2009. |
Description: First, we give an overview of the history of the still-life genre from ancient times to the 19th century and define and describe its categories (subgenres) with many characteristic illustrations. After this introduction, participants of the tour can view with explanations the digital reproductions of the over 1,400 still-lifes in the WGA collection, sorted by the 360 artists who created them in the 15th to 19th centuries. Sources: ZUFFI, Stefano La Natura Morta, Electa, Milan, 1999 (in Italian); BOTT, Gian Casper, WOLF, Norbert, Still life, Taschen GmbH, Cologne, 2008; SCHNEIDER, Norbert, Still Life Painting in the Early Modern Period, Benedikt Taschen Verlag Gmbh, Cologne, 1994 ; KOK, Jan Piet Filedt, BAARSEN, Reinier, CORNELIS, Bart, KLOEK, Wouter, SCHOLTEN, Frits, Netherlandish Art in the Rijksmuseum, Waanders Publishers, Amsterdam, 2001; CHASTEL, André, French Art: The Ancien Régime 1620-1775, Flammarion, Paris, New York, 1995; BROWN, Jonathan, Painting in Spain 1500-1700, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1998. | ![]() |
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Description: In this tour, we introduce participants to the art of portrait painting. We present portraits grouped according to various aspects, such as their format, the depicted sitters, their setting and their function. We present images with detailed explanations of the portraits of 57 artists, active in the 14th to 19th centuries, selected for the innovative nature of their portraits, influencing artists in many countries or their dominant role in determining contemporary portraiture in their native country or the place of their activities. Finally, we enable participants to view examples corresponding to their interests from the over 4.800 portrait paintings in the WGA collection. Sources: SCHNEIDER, Norbert, The Art of the Portrait, Benedikt Taschen Verlag Gmbh, Cologne, 1994; KANZ, Roland, Portraits, Taschen Gmbh, Cologne, 2008; REBEL, Ernst, Self-portraits, Taschen Gmbh, Cologne, 2008; CHRISTIANSEN, Keith and WEPPELMANn, Stefan (editors), The Renaissance Portrait from Donatello to Bellini, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2012; SALLAY, Dóra, TÁTRAI, Vilmos, VÉCSEY, Axel (editors), Botticelli to Titian, Two Centuries of Italian masterpieces, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2010; DOBOS, Zsuzsanna (editor), Caravaggio to Canaletto, The Glory of Italian Baroque and Rococco Painting, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2014; LEVEY, Michael, Painting and Sculpture in France 1700-1789, Pelican History of Art, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1993; KIERS, Judikje, TISSINK, Fieke, The Golden Age of Dutch Art, Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, 2000. |
Description: In this tour, we introduce participants to the 15th-16th-century Northern Renaissance art of the region north of the Alps. We present the key artists whose contributions were pivotal in advancing the style and show their main works. We present the characteristic works of other notable artists active in the art centres which emerged in affluent cities in France, Germany and the Low Countries. We describe and illustrate the specific themes treated by painters, sculptors, graphic artists and metalworkers. The illustrations come from the WGA collection containing over 5.800 images related to Northern Renaissance art. Sources: SMITH, Jeffrey Chipps, The Northern Renaissance, Phaidon Press Limited, London, 2004; SNYDER, James, Northern Renaissance Art, Prentic Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 2005; HUYGHE, RenéLarousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; ASTON, Margaret (Editor), The Renaissance Complete, Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, 2009; AINSWORTH, Maryan W. and WATERMAN, Joshua P., German Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1350-1600, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2013; Van OS, Henk, KOK, Jan Piet Filedt, LUIJTEN, Get and SCOLTEN, Frits, Netherlandish Art in the Rijksmuseum, 1400-1600, Waanders Publishers, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 2000. | ![]() |
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Description: You can find here a group of tours introducing briefly some of the schools and tendencies of European painting in the 14th-17th centuries. Presently tours presenting German Gothic and early Renaissance painting, Bohemian painting in the 14th century, as well as Caravaggism are offered. Sources: EÖRSI, Anna, International Gothic Style in Painting, Corvina, Budapest, 1982; STEER, John, WHITE, Antony, Atlas of Western Art History, Facts On File, Inc, New York, 1994; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964; ULRICH, Gerhard, Meisterwerke der altdeutschen Malerei, Somogy, Paris, Hamburg, 1957; TOMAN, Rolf, Editor, The Art of Gothic, Könemann Verlagsgesellshaft mbH, Cologne, 1998. |
Description: A list of 88 women artists (mostly painters) active in the period from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century is presented. From this list you can view the reproductions of some of their characteristic works and read the respective biographies. Sources: NICHOLSON, Elizabeth S.G., Editor, Italian Women Artists from Renaissance to Baroque, Skira Editore, S.p.A., Milano, 2007; PAOLETTI, John T. and RADKE, Gary M., Art in Renaissance Italy, Laurence King Publishing, London, 2005; HUYGHE, René, Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art, Hamlyn, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, 1964. |
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