Funeral monument to the anti-pope John XXIII

Donatello entered into a type of workshop partnership with Michelozzo in 1425. Both artists worked together right into the 1430s on a whole series of extensive projects which included the funeral monument to the anti-pope John XXIII. The overall design of the monument is from Donatello, but in the execution he was heavily assisted by Michelozzo. The bronze effigy is certainly by Donatello, the marble reliefs of the Madonna with Child and the Virtues are by Michelozzo.

Preview Picture Data Info
Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII
Gilded pietra serena, 713 x 200 x 213 cm
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII
Gilded pietra serena, 713 x 200 x 213 cm
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII (detail)
Gilded pietra serena
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII (detail)
Gilded pietra serena
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII (detail)
Gilded pietra serena
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII (detail)
Pietra serena
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-pope John XXIII (detail)
Pietra serena
Baptistery, Florence

Funeral Monument to the Anti-Pope John XXIII (detail)
Pietra serena
Baptistery, Florence

Summary of sculptures by Donatello
Early works
John XXIII | David | Duomo | Orsanmichele | Siena | Various
Mature works
Cantoria | Basilica di Santo | Prato Pulpit | San Lorenzo | Various
Late works
Judith and Holofernes | Pulpits of San Lorenzo | Various

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