BELLOTTO, Bernardo
(b. 1720, Venezia, d. 1780, Warszawa)

The Piazza della Signoria in Florence

Oil on canvas, 61 x 90 cm
Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

The vedute representing parts of Florence are early works. The two views of Florence in Budapest, the Piazza della Signoria in Florence, and its pendant, the Arno in Florence, are presumed to have been produced in the 1740s, when Bellotto made a long study tour of Italy and painted views of many Italian towns, including Verona, Turin and Florence. In these early works the influence of the older Canaletto is strikingly obvious: as tradition demanded, the young view-painter at his debut kept his construction compact and strictly observed the laws of perspective. However, accurate observation and a good eye for details were evident assets of the young painter.