GOGH, Vincent van
(b. 1853, Groot Zundert, d. 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise)

Marguerite Gachet at the Piano

June 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise
Oil on canvas, 103 x 50 cm
Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basel

Catalogue numbers: F 772, JH 2048.

Van Gogh suggested a painting of the same size but of horizontal format, depicting Wheat Fields: The Plain of Auvers (F 775) as the pendant of this painting. He envisaged them as part of a greater, decorative ensemble.

Like in Provence, in Auvers van Gogh was again using the dots which are such a characteristic hallmark of Japanese art. In his portrait of Marguerite Gachet, the background is dotted with tiny dabs obviously of oriental origin.