(active in the 1270s in Rome)

St Nicholas Providing the Dowry (north wall, right)

Sancta Sanctorum, Lateran Palace, Rome

Like in the scenes of the martyrdom of St Peter and St Paul, the interiors in the frescoes of St Lawrence and St Nicholas do not develop into real depictions of space. The extremely foreshortened buildings suggest the location only in a very rudimentary way, even if they are provided with a number of decorative details. The convoluted architectural prospect in the painting of Nicholas providing the dowry is typical in this respect. It includes both an exterior view of the house and a view into its interior, showing the bedchamber where the father, visibly worried, and his three peacefully slumbering daughters lie in their beds, and where the saint appears in a window higher up and throws down a bag containing the gold coins intended as a dowry for the girls.