The Scaliger Tombs is a group of five Gothic funerary monuments in Verona, commemorating the Scaliger family, who ruled in Verona from the 13th to the late 14th century.
The tombs are placed within an enclosure of wrought iron grilles decorated with a stair motif, referring to the name of the della Scala family, meaning "of the stairs" in Italian. The stone pillars of the enclosure have statues of saints. The tombs are those of the following notable members of the Scaliger dynasty:
- Cangrande I. This was the first tomb built, in c. 1330, according to the will of the deceased, the most famous Scaliger ruler of the city.
- Mastino II. Begun in 1345, this tomb was modified during its construction.
- Cansignorio. Dating from 1376, and the most richly decorated. It was designed by Bonino da Campione.
- Alberto II. Unlike the others, it has no baldachin but only a sarcophagus, though richly decorated. It dates from 1350s.
- Giovanni. This monument is built into the wall of the church. It was finished in 1359 by Andriolo de' Santi.
The photo shows the monuments of Cansignorio I (left), Cangrande I (centre) and Mastino II (right).