(active around 980 in Valladolid)

Commentary on the Apocalypse

c. 980
Cathedral Library, Valladolid

The Spanish manuscripts relating to the commentary on the Apocalypse are often referred to as "Mozarabic," a term denoting the Moorish influence. Although the Christian Spaniard concerned themselves very little with the culture of the Moors, stylistic influences did nevertheless seep through. The influence of Moorish models can be seen in the pages full of rich colour and contrast, and in the basic colours of a golden yellow, a deep and glowing red and an earthy dark brown. Some details such as the saddles of the horses, some building formations, and some robes are also borrowed from the cultural milieu of the neighbouring Moors.

The Arabic saddles and gowns are very obvious in the picture of the four riders of the Apocalypse. The rich bands of colour were laid down by the artist with great skill in order to indicate the spatial depth of the riders arranged behind and above one another.