(active 1010s)

Precious Gospels of Bernward

Manuscript (Ms 18)
Cathedral Treasury, Hildesheim

The Precious Bernward Gospels (German: Kostbare Bernwardevangeliar) are a richly decorated evangeliary in the Hildesheim Cathedral Museum. It was a donation of Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim, to his foundation St. Michael's Church, specifically for the altar to Mary in the crypt below the west choir, which was consecrated in 1015 and which he had designated as his tomb.

The gospels consist of 232 parchment leaves of 28 x 20 cm and a cover made from two oak blocks, which is decorated with images, silver mountings and gems.

Among the illumination inside the book, the two-page dedication image on folios 16v-17 stands out. On the left Bernward stands before an altar, holding his Gospels; the detailed architectural setting includes the arched façade of the church, its triangular pediment supported by two spiral columns. On the right, two angels crown the Virgin, the patron of the diocese of Hildesheim, while both she and the Child on her lap extend a hand to the bishop; three arches supported by spiral columns echo the architecture of the previous image.