(active 855-873 in Corvey)

Exterior view

Imperial Abbey, Corvey

One of the most significant developments in the Carolingian period was the abandonment of the exclusively squat, earthbound nature of the extended early Christian basilicas in favour of the increased use of towers. The tower structure of the westwork was designed either as a means of highlighting a separate devotional space for an additional church patron, or as a part of the building attached to the church and reserved for the emperor.

An impressive example from the Carolingian period survives in the monastery church of Corvey (822-848). This westwork, added between the years 855 and 873, underwent no further alterations and still conveys the full power of the Carolingian concept of architecture.

The photo shows the west front of the church. Above the Carolingian westwork are two towers from 1146.

View the ground plan of the Imperial Abbey, Corvey.