(active 1100-1110 in Cologne)

Interior view

St. George's Church, Cologne

The date of the foundation of St George's is unknown, but it was consecrated towards the end of the 11th century. The nave was vaulted in the mid-12th century, the westwerk was added in 1188 and the entrance portal on the north side in 1551. The church was damaged during World War II, resulting in extensive restoration which included the removal of the Baroque extension to the westwerk and replacement with a simple hip roof in the Romanesque style.

The two-storey western choir of the church projects from the square central section of the western hall and is spanned by a domed ceiling. The wall system is articulated by means of pilasters and round arched windows. On the top storey, there is a corridor behind the wall. In the western section the top storey used to function as a gallery.

The photo shows the western choir.