(active 1385-1460 in Bavaria)

Exterior view

St. Martin, Landshut

The Gothic town of Landshut was the residence of the dukes of Lower Bavaria and thus, together with Ingolstadt, Munich, and Straubing, one of the four courts of the Wittelsbach dynasty. Large hall churches were built in all four towns from the end of the 14th century, particularly during the 15th century.

The parish and collegiate church of St. Martin is the quintessence of princely representation. At 130 metres its slim tower is the highest brick tower of the world. The tower is divided in a complex way into multiple blind and open arches, and many of its details are executed in light-coloured stone. A crown of intertwined ogee arches embraces the spire of the tower.

The photo shows the tower, completed in 1500.