(active 1343-1502 in Danzig)

Exterior view

Marienkirche, Gdansk (Danzig)

Throughout the 15th century the largest building project north of the Alps was the Marienkirche in Danzig (presently Gdansk in Poland). When work on rebuilding was completed, the church had an aisled nave, chapels of the same height, a choir, and asymmetrical transepts. Each aisle has its own roof, the portals plus a large window are positioned in an ogival niche, and the building has a tower with pier buttresses.

Outstanding innovations of the church include the extraordinary meeting of two windows in the corner of the nave and south transepts. It is a result of the rebuilding work of the 15th century, when the supports were moved to the inside.

The photo shows the corner windows in the southwest corner of the nave and transept.