(active 1320-1400 in Burgundy)

Interior view

Cathedral of Saint-Étienne, Auxerre (Yonne)

The restoration of the cathedral choir in Auxerre, begun in 1215, echoes the pattern of Chartres with its three-storied wall elevation, though it is smaller than its model. The church is one of many French cathedrals whose construction slowed down after the choir had been completed before the middle of the 13th century. As elsewhere, the construction of the nave and transept took up the whole of the 14th and 15th centuries, during which time the work went at a slow pace because of the economic situation and the Hundred Years' War.

The nave of the cathedral of Auxerre, begun in the 1320s and completed around 1400 with the construction of the clerestory, was built without any essential changes of plan.

The photo shows the nave looking west.